Knowing our Inner Mother
Celebrating Mother’s Day – “But the Mother forgives you, She loves you, She sustains you and She teaches you how to love.” Shri Mataji
Celebrating Mother’s Day – “But the Mother forgives you, She loves you, She sustains you and She teaches you how to love.” Shri Mataji
Addressing common concerns about study and exams, such as anxiety and panic attacks before exams, poor sleep, feeling overwhelmed, peer and family pressure and negative feelings.
How can we end the cycle of negative thinking and emotions? Is the use of forgiveness affirmations and meditation, the answer?
Out of peace comes the joy, light of joy, happiness. The third energy centre within our subtle system (Nabhi Chakra) once awakened gives us peace and satisfaction.
Memories, recollections, and reflections of the experience of the early Sahaja Yogis meeting Shri Mataji – founder of Sahaja Yoga.
Kirti Rawal, a long time Sahaja Yoga practitioner, guides us through some simple affirmations to understand the importance of prayers.